Wednesday 3 July 2013

Guitarz - 2013 Greenfield Park Free Canada Day Concert

Probably the best place to celebrate Canada Day on the South Shore of Montreal is the borough of Greenfield Park, which is part of the city of Longueuil.  They have a parade, all kind of activities for people of all ages, free concerts and fireworks to bring an end to the day.  I'm always up for a free show, can't beat the price.  But also, these festival like settings allow me the chance to sneak in with my camera and take some shots.  In other words, I get to pretend to be a concert photographer for a couple of hours.  I made my way down to the site with my Lovely Assistant who braved the colder than usual weather to help me out.  I was fortunate in that there were less people on the site than I had thought there would be, though more people did end up arriving shortly after my arrival.  I easily found my way down to the guardrail that separated us regular folk from the stage and began snapping away.  The band that was on the stage when I arrived is called Guitarz, and is an outfit led by Matt Laurent, who some of you from the area may know as the leader of a band called Lucky Uke.  Filling out his band for the night were Christian Alary, Laurie Ouelle, Matt Laurent, Jason Lang and Greg Morency.  They played a good selection of modern and classic rock, both in English and en Français. They did a good job of warming up the crowd for the headlining act, a show called Girls Wanna Have Fun.  I stuck around for that show as well, and you'll be seeing some pictures from it right here on this blog very soon.  The main problem when trying to photograph these shows is that there isn't very much light and using flash is a big no-no.  So, the ISO gets upped all the way to 1600 for these shots.  I even tried a new trick for these shots.  I decreased the exposure on some of the shots in order to increase my shutter speed.  In order to do this, you can just use the Exposure Level Indicator on your camera and move the little cursor to either -1 or -2.  It's the first time that I used this little trick and I think I pulled it off pretty well.  In the usual order of appearance, here are the settting for each of the photographs that you see.  f/2.8, 1/125 sec, ISO 1600 -1 Exposure, at 57mm.  I also cropped this photograph to 12"x12".  f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 1600, -1 Exposure at 70mm.  f/2.8, 1/250sec, ISO 1600, -1 Exposure at 70mm and finally, f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 1600, -1.7 Exposure at 59mm.  Needless to say, I had a blast.  This was only the beginning of the fun on this night.  I'll be back in a few days with more pictures from the Girls Wanna Have Fun show.

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